Social Networking Platform for Private Online Communities
Data Integration
There are 3 methods to create users in an introNetworks Community. Please review the descriptions to determine what is right for your Community. In certain cases we can manage a hybrid implementation, please contact us if this is the case at:
More about Privacy and Security.
Automated User Creation (AUC) – Push your data to the introNetwork
The introNetworks Automated User Creation API is a secure solution giving data providers a method of automatically maintaining the users in the introNetworks System. This feature will allow new users to gain access to the introNetworks System without needing to go through an additional sign-up process. It will also provide the option of allowing users to modify their introNetworks profiles through your web interface.
Download the introNetworks 9.x AUC Api.doc
Sign Up – No data integration required
Users go to http://<yoursubdomainname> There they will enter their name, email, login name and password. They can immediately enter the system and begin using it. There is flexibility in how the signup is implemented. You can restrict this to certain pin types (i.e. Guests at a conference) or require access codes for entry. This is the easiest method of connection and can be created in 5 minutes.
Flat File
We will provide you with a customized spreadsheet template that you use to fill in all or your user data for uploading. Once the spreadsheet is complete, you submit the file to us for uploading onto your site. Note: Sometimes this is the only way to get user contact data out of a legacy system or one in which there is no practical way to construct a web-service and use our API.
Contact for your customized spreadsheet template.