It’s taking you too long to find the right people
There is a radically different way to find people within your organization or network. What if you could find people by skills, interests, and experience or by what’s most important to them?
We don’t have enough time to waste it searching for expertise that should be instantly available.
In our highly networked workplace we assume it’s easy to find the right person yet as it turns out it’s tragically difficult in most organizations and nearly impossible at an event.
What the right person or right connection for you and your organization is usually very different from another person or organization. There is no concept of one-size-fits-all at introNetworks.
We look at your organization and create a way to capture information that is directly relevant and in language that is recognizable for it’s uniqueness and diversity. This data is already familiar to you, however it’s not in one place that is dynamic and instantly accessible.
We also think about how people will use tags and questions in search, then make the profile information instantly searchable.
So, what’s so radically different? Two things. We attach a weight to each word that the user then will adjust graphically. This allows them to create a more accurate Profile than just checking a box or writing in text. Secondly, we use that weighted information to create a visual map with the user at the center, then we show their best matches arranged around them. They instantly see whom they should reach out to.