If you are a current introNetworks client, you can now login to your site from an iOs device – iPhone or iPad, Android, or Windows Phone 8.
You will have access to the two main visualizations, the Pin View and List View, as well as being able to Search for other members based on name, title, organization or doing a more complex tag search, using multiple tags.
Background: We leveraged the work we have been doing in HTML5 and Javascript for our Visual Matching Engine. We decided that this was a great new thing to add to our desktop users that find themselves traveling and not able to access the Community.
We also integrated contact capabilities directly into the mobile device. If your site has elected to display email and phone numbers, then these will show up as icons. Pressing one initiates a phone call or an email using the mail system on your device.
For our eventNet clients, this makes it very easy for onsite attendees to contact one another without having to find a laptop or computer cafe. For talentNet and memberNet clients, this enables on-the-go access to your peers and colleagues.
Video showing the Non-Profit Resource Network using this new mobile capability