Member Communities
Encourage Member Networking. Build Loyalty.
The more your online community interacts, the more likely it is to last. Let our memberNet™ solution help your community reach its full potential – enhancing the experience and creating new avenues for members to locate and network with other members. Once a person joins your organization, they’ll have all the tools they need to search for others and communicate easily. A memberNet can serve an Association, a Federation of Organizations, a Community of Practice, practially any group of people that need to connect, communicate and collaborate more effectively.Click to view the NASA Educators Online Network in action. This network is a US based Community of Practice for STEM Educators around the world.
Build a memberNet and enjoy these benefits:
- Easy database integration
- Graphics that match your established branding
- Personalized Visual Matching Engine design to match your member and business objectives
- Communication platform for targeted email campaigns
- Special Interest and Task-Focused Working Groups and Discussion Forums
- Integrated Resources for quick access to Files, Links and other member related materials
- Management research & reporting, including site metrics
- Potential new revenue capabilities from micro-targeted sponsor and advertiser messages
- Secure hosting with privacy and security controls
- Rapid deployment