Datafication is the Method behind the Madness of Big-data

Social Networking Platform for Private Online Communities
Hashtag Tips for Your Next Event
How to Create Your Hashtag Relevant: Make sure the hashtag is related to your event and will be easy to remember as well as spell. If the event is using a mobile app or platform like Bizzabo, it can be helpful to have the hashtag stream directly in the app so users can join right in. [Read more…]
Anyone who says that community management is easy is not being completely honest with themselves. Doing an effective job of engaging your community and establishing relevance is a 24/7, 365 endeavor. As a community manager you know that keeping your community actively engaged requires a deep understanding of both the consumer and the business as a whole, so that your message is both captivating and brand on.
In this article from Social Media Today, you’ll get a great 5 step plan for engaging your community more effectively.
How to Build a 5 Step Plan for Creating an Online Community
In my last post, 3 Questions to Ask Before Starting an Online Community, the first question I recommended asking yourself is “Should I be using social media?” I also mentioned that you should have a plan established well before you get started, but it can be difficult to figure out just where to start. My 5 step guide makes it simple to create a plan for establishing your community! This guide covers everything from the basics, like understanding why you are using social media, to more complex topics like understanding which metrics you should track, how you’ll keep your community interested in your content, and how you’ll sustainably manage the huge time (and potentially financial) commitment that your online community will eventually become. [Read more…]
Seven Ways to Drive Your Ideas Upward
Being able to influence upwards allows your ideas to be heard and implemented. This directly enhances your value because you are the owner of that idea. Yet how do you break through the layers of bureaucracy to find advocates for your ideas? Diane McGarry, Xerox’s former Chief Marketing Officer, says, Success at a big company such as Xerox requires an understanding of the many layers of office politics as well as the confidence to put your best ideas forward. You have to know which people you need to get your ideas in front of in order to get those ideas advanced…Here are the seven ways to drive your ideas upward: 1. Know what’s important to your boss. Have a clear picture of what is important for your boss. Keep that as a priority and make sure these priorities are met. It’s not about trying to meet your needs, but thinking about how your ideas are beneficial for your boss. Part of your role is to support your boss for his/her goals. 2. Get other stakeholders on board. To buy into your ideas the right stakeholders must be on board. This might require going upward and across the organization to build coalitions. If your stakeholders believe the ideas you are suggesting are what they want to support and invest in, this can influence a decision in your favor. [Read more…]
“As the leaders in the Computer Graphics industry, our attendees have either ‘made it’ or ‘seen it’ so they demand the highest level of production values and functionality. The introNetworks way of visualizing connections is unique and something we believe will engage, delight and encourage them to make connections that will last long after the Symposium.” – Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH Business Symposium Chair.We worked with the organizers to fine-tune the Visual Matching Engine to address the need for matches that would be tailored to business and issues related to the enterprises represented as opposed to computer graphic related terms. The community will be up after the conference to serve as a reference and area for conversation related to topics that are kicked off at the day long Symposium. Ironically it was just over ten years ago that we attended SIGGRAPH (our first one was in 1984) and it will feel good to be back around people that are passionate about the business of computer graphics. Our focus now is on information visualization as it serves real humans as opposed to creating tools to build virtual humans. Note: Before introNetworks, I co-founded Wavefront Technologies, which became Alias|Wavefront which is now owned by our good friends Autodesk, who continue to innovate the software now called Maya. Video sent to the attendees:
Twitter Analytics
It looks like everyone’s getting into the analytics game. We have Facebook Insights, Pinterest analytics, and now, even Twitter analytics. This is great for a Social Media Marketer because one of the toughest parts of our job is showing the impact of our work through measurable actions. [Read more…]
Creating Branded Mobile Content Apps
While content marketing has been a major marketing buzz word getting thrown out in the last few years, the concept of brands publishing high quality content to attract costumers is certainly not a new concept. If you’ve seen the infographic detailing the history of content marketing, you’ll see that as early as 1895, brands like John Deere were producing magazines that featured high quality content aimed at the interests of their target demographic. And, while producing in-depth travel guides may not have seemed like an obvious choice for a tire company, Michelin established their brand in part with their Michelin Guides starting at the turn of the century. [Read more…]
Mobile Marketing Can No Longer Be Ignored by B2B
In a recent post from BtoB Magazine, stats show that mobile is fast becoming a priority for Business to Business companies or B2B. Business to Consumer or B2C organizations have been using mobile for some time now. They’ve been developing apps, implementing SMS campaigns (text messages) and adding QR Codes to posters and product labels. B2B has lagged behind a bit but it’s becoming clear that this is no longer an option. In the post, Lisa Collins, interactive marketing manager at building products company USG Corp, states “we know people are using numerous mobile devices to access content, so we are using more analytics to determine if we need to make certain content mobile-friendly.” The article also highlights some very interesting numbers…
- U.S. mobile ad spending will reach $7.3 billion this year, up 77.3% over last year, according to an April forecast by eMarketer.
- By 2017, U.S. mobile ad spending will surpass $27.0 billion, eMarketer projected, comprising almost half of all online ad spending.
- See more at BtoBonline.com [Read more…]